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Basil der große Mäusedetektiv! Ein Krimispiel für Kinder!
Basil der große Mäusedetektiv! Ein Krimispiel für Kinder! (Basil the great mouse detective! A crime game for kids!) Originally from Germany, this is a 'murder mystery' board game for kids. The object of the game is to track down Fidget and Felicia, two "gangsters" of Professor Ratigan, after they had stolen the Crowned Jewels. Basil and Dawson have to uncover clues along with the luck of rolling the dice in order to stop Ratigan from escaping the country in his hot air balloon. Ages 6 and up, 2 to 4 players.
Photo 1: Courtesy of derduenni from eBay German.
Photo 2: Courtesy of logotuerlich from eBay German.

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