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{ Characters: Dr. David Q. Dawson }
Dr. David Q. Dawson, a kindly mouse doctor who served in battle in Afghanistan, is Basil's confidant and best friend. After crossing paths with the distraught Olivia Flaversham, Dawson becomes involved in the famous Ratigan case that leads him to becoming Basil's life-long partner-in-crime.
Very simliar to his human counterpart, Dr. John H. Watson of the Sherlock Holmes team, this plump mouse is gentle, reasonable and goodhearted to his friends. He is also Basil's personal biographer and a lover of all sorts of cheeses.

Memorable Quotes:
"Basil, you astound me!"
"Now, now. Steady on there, Basil."
"Perfect? Perfectly foolish!"
"Jolly good, lady! Jolly good!"
"Oooo! Bravo! Bravo!"
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