{ Fan Art }
Terms of Use: Art displayed is credited to its designer(s). Not for use on any other websites without permission. To submit your own GMD art work, click here!
Artist's Personal Pages:
Art Tutorials (Warning: Images are very large!):
How to Draw Toby (by Drawing Tutorials 101.com, Off Site)
TGMD Drawing Tutorials - Step by Step (by Drawing Tutorials 101.com, Off Site)
How to Draw Professor Ratigan Tutorial (by Sempai)
How to Draw Basil Tutorial (by Sempai)
How to Draw Basil of Baker Street 101 (by Elaine, Lina, and Aralyn)
On Site:
Happy Father's/Godparent's Day by MouseAvenger
Pinky and the Brain/The Great Mouse Detective by Deez-art
Basil's Violin Present (Deleted Scene) by MouseAvenger
Happy New Year 2020 by Able Tong
Professor Ratigan Sketches by Girlfriend
Basil by María Cerdeño
The great mouse detective by Goran Visnjic
Sherlock and Basil - The Milk Thief by caycowa
Ratigan by kravinoff
Basil, the great mouse detective by KanaHyde
5 Days - Ratigan by ShadowedImages
The Distinguished Dead & The Suffering I Hold by Pierz Hazell
Incognito at the beach - Sketch by Atrixfromice
Mouse Detective by Keila-raven
The Detective and the Captain by Crispy-Gypsy
Basil of Baker Street by nellmeowmeow
The Sleuths of Baker Street by Bogswallop
Basil Hawk-Tamer by Teles
Solving the crime by Trevor Petersen
Finishing Touch by ALS123
When He Changed by DanPhan88
The Case of the Opera Ghost by ChibiJaime
Mr. Holmes wisdom by Laura Mart�nez
Happy Anniversary GMD by Bumme4
Basil of Baker Street Painted by Iona Campbell
Undercover: colored by Amber Lee Stott
The Great Mouse Detective by Alyssa Baker
Basil of Baker Street by applejaxshii
Flavershams by ShakShakalut
Felicia by ShakShakalut
Basil of Baker Street 3D Model by Tyson Karl
Mouse of the Baskervilles by Ickaimp
I Poke Basil (colored version) by Wendy McAlister
Poke Basil by Wendy McAlister
Rat Butler by GMD-girl93
GMD: My Word, Yes? by MouseAvenger
GMD: Fremdeliebe, Disney-style by MouseAvenger
Simple Pleasures by MouseAvenger
Fursuit head WIP by uknownprincess
Off Site:
My city, my territory by Canis-suricatta
Basil Vs Clopin by Brinatello
GMD: The Face in the Mirror Poster by The Mouse Avenger
GMD: Teenage Rhapsody by The Mouse Avenger
GMD: Killer Queen by The Mouse Avenger
GMD: Champion Of The Arena by The Mouse Avenger
GMD WIP: All The World Is Our Stage... by The Mouse Avenger
GMD WIP: Face-Off by The Mouse Avenger
Disney Classics 26 The Great Mouse Detective by Hyung86
++I caught a rodent - SH++ by Eirieniel
Basil Thanksgiving by Shinku Ame
Basil's Grave by Shinku Ame
GET IT OUT OF MY FACE BASIL by Lady-Immaterial
::-Keep Looking Up-:: (colored) by Anyango
Just KEEP looking up-Com (penciled) by MimiSkitty
Basil and Dawson by Lilostitchfan
Resubmission: Just a Cough by sapphiregamgee
Good Morning Starshine by Sahkmet
Under the Streetlamp by Sahkmet
Count Ratigan by Sahkmet
Blushing Basil by Sahkmet
Basil and Ratigan by rinoatilmitt
Basil of Baker Street by Henrieke