{ FAQ }
The following questions below are probably the most asked about to date, and this section will help clear up some of those pondering thoughts you have ever had with this film! Each entry was originally created by me, so if you ever come across any of these entries elsewhere on the net, it means that they've been copied from this page. Some of these answers are only based on my personal observations and therefore are not exactly correct. If you want to add a question or find an error in any of these answers, please e-mail me!
Note: Some of the answers to these questions contain spoilers to the film.
What is The Great Mouse Detective?
Believe it or not, that is a real question asked by many who have never heard nor seen the film before! Though, it is no surprise since the film is over twenty years old and not considered a Disney classic. The Great Mouse Detective is Disney's 26th animated feature released on July 2, 1986 (U.S. opening). Based on Eve Titus' book series, "Basil of Baker Street," the story involves the famous mouse detective on a kidnapping case that eventually leads to a bigger and more dangerous scheme. I would recommend reading the Synopsis, yet, it does contain spoilers to the film.
Where can I find a copy of The Great Mouse Detective in stores?
In recent times, finding this movie is like finding a needle in a haystack. Stores like Barnes & Nobel, Best Buy or Frys do carry copies of this film on DVD, but it can be a shameful rarity. Online stores such as Amazon.comor even used copies at eBay are a good start.
Will there ever be a sequel to this film?
It is in the hands of the Walt Disney Company to ever decide on a sequel to The Great Mouse Detective. The most one could hope for is a special edition DVD for either its 25th or 30th anniversary release. In 2004, rumors started of a Disney feature titled, The Search For Mickey Mouse. The story follows a kidnapping or disappearance of Mickey Mouse and Minnie hires London's famous super sleuth, Basil of Baker Street, to find him. The set date of release was intended for 2013, or Mickey's 85th birthday. No further news has been released of this project.
Is this film suitable for young viewers?
I was 7 years old when I first saw it, so yes! Truthfully, however, this film is rated G with some scenes a little too intense for young children. Though, it really depends on the child and how they react themselves. A 4 year-old could love it while an 8 year-old gets frightened out of the room. You never know! The villains often appear frightening at times and one scene has a villain pop out at the camera unexpectedly. There is no sex or nudity except for a light bit of bar dancing in a risqué manner. Smoking and alcohol are heavily used.
Wasn't there a scene where a woman is shown topless?
The urban legend ends up being true. Yes, there was such a scene, yet it was in another Disney animated film who's title I will not mention here. It was a very quick, very brief scene you would have to catch with the pause button. The animators thought it would be amusing to put in this inappropriate image of a topless woman standing in front of a window. Disney has already apologized for this scene and has sought out to edit the image in later releases of the film.
Why is Bill the Lizard from Alice in Wonderland one of Ratigan's henchmen?
This is the same as why characters from Lady and the Tramp (1955) appear in One Hundred and One Dalmatians (1961), or Figaro the cat appearing in cartoon shorts rather than just Pinocchio (1940). Disney tends to reuse characters in their films and will often slip them in unannounced. My friend Grace found an animation cel on eBay and the animator wrote the name Trevor. Regardless, fans still think of him as Bill and nothing else!
Whatever happened to Ratigan at the end of the film?
The death of the nefarious professor remains uncertain. Falling from the clock tower of Big Ben leaves many to believe he might have survived for a second encore. With no attempts to create a follow-up to the film, the villain's demise will forever be cloaked in mystery.
What is Basil's last name?
No official last name has been given to the main character in the film or the book series. It has been said that Eve Titus gave her little detective this name in honor of the Sherlock Holmes silver screen legend, Basil Rathbone. Although, further evidence seems to prove that Basil might be a last name instead of a first! Examples: some referred to the detective as Mr. Basil, a letter B is marked in stained glass above his front door, and another letter B is found on the shield of a suit of armor in his flat. Such things would indicate that Basil is a last name and not a first.
What does the Q. in Dawson's name stand for?
I remember reading in a fan's fictional writing that they used the name Quinton since it was never mentioned in the Eve Titus series or the Disney film. Mlle. Relda (Diane N. Tran), a Basilian fan and dedicated Sherlockian, came up with Quemus with an explanation of why: "For Dawson, there's an obscure Irish-Scottish variation of Uemus that derives from the Irish name Séamus, which originates from the Hebrew James ("he who supplants"), in tribute to human counterpart and I added a "Q."
Why couldn't Basil pronounce Olivia's surname, Flaversham, correctly?
You'd think because he's the greatest detective ever, he would say her name correctly, right? For the humor side of the film, he treated her no more than a pest at times, thus including a deliberate flub in her name. Basil knew she was having it rough after losing her father, and it seemed a small way of teasing her to produce a little spark of annoyance to her otherwise sad expressions. It is a well known fact that Basil could pronounce her name all along, and rightfully did when calling out to Olivia's father at the start of the balloon chase scene. And even after pronouncing it correctly, he went right back to a flub at the end, but more endearing than accidental.
Why did Toby detest Dawson so much?
The reason was never mentioned by any of the characters, although, a dropped hint occurred while Basil deduced how he knew Dawson was a surgeon: "You've sewn your torn cuff together with the Lambert stitch, which of course, only a surgeon uses. And the thread is a unique form of catgut distinguished by its peculiar pungency and found only in the Afghan provinces." As we have learned, Toby hates cats, and one sniff of the catgut meant an instant dislike to the poor fellow!
Why don't Toby and Felicia talk like other Disney animals do?
Many Disney dogs and cats speak, but not when humans are around. Toby only talks in a children's storybook from Gallery Books. So, why do these two only bark and meow? My only answer is it wouldn't look and sound right for them to speak, not to mention it's unnecessary for them to have dialogue when they are very minor characters to the plot.
Why do some fans consider Basil and Olivia as a couple?
Well, consider everything they went through in the film and you've got your answer. The characters had great chemistry; they worked well in both conversation and interaction. It has been suggested more than once that Olivia would return to Basil in later years to see if he would propose marriage. Some may disagree and feel she was more of a niece, or the daughter that Basil never had.
Why did Ratigan hate being called a rat?
In the original book series, Ratigan really was a mouse, but because of his bulk size and height, he was often mistaken for a rat. This insulted him greatly. In the film, Disney decided to make him a rat that wants to blend in with the mouse community, and no one dared to call him what he really was.
The voice of Fidget sounds so familiar! Where have I heard it from?
The gravel-sounding voice of the evil peg-legged bat belongs to Candy Candido (1913-1999), a veteran actor whom lent his talent in other Disney animated films such as Peter Pan (1953), Sleeping Beauty (1959), and Robin Hood (1973). Candido's voice was changed to a higher recording speed for Fidget, yet it appears normal for one of the drunken mice in the bar scene who yells, "Get off the stage, you eight-legged bum!" to an octopus.